Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sucess Puzzle part 1 (of at least 6)

During Lent I was going to seriously work through this program again with Dirk. Many things happened that made that a spotty endeavor at best. So, I am going to work through my thoughts here. I think all my adoring all three or four of you.... might find this process interesting and useful. The last time I did it, was a couple years before creating The Center! It was definitely the catalyst for that jump in my life.

The Success Puzzle by Bob Proctor

What is Success? Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. ~Earl Nightingale

How do you define Progressive? Forward moving, advancing

How do you define Realization? Understanding, reaching manifestation

How do you define Worthy? Valuable, honorable, good

How do you define Ideal? Perfection, perfect plan, best possible situation

Awareness: The changes that are needed to enjoy an ideal life are internal. Most people lack the awareness of the aboundance that surrounds them all the time, just waiting to be accepted.

When you study life, you can study science or theology. Both tell us nothing is created or destroyed so everything we will ever need is here right now, in one state or another, we just lack the awareness to use it.

We are made up of three basic parts:
The Conscious mind: This part is where we reason, made decisions, have free will. The conscious mind can accept or reject ideas and make changes to our behaviors. "We become what we think about."

The Subconscious mind: Often called the emotional mind, the subconscious mind cannot accept or reject ideas. It can only accept what it is told. Here are where habits live, 'automatic responses', things we do or feel without thinking why. It works at the cellular level. It knows NO limits except those we choose to give it.

The Body: Thoughts and images that are choosen by the conscious mind and pressed upon the subconscious mind have to be acted out by the body. Actions you are involved in determine your results.

So: Thoughts determine Feelings which determine Actions which determine Results

The most important thing needed to be Successful is a "Proper Attitude!"

"The greatest discovery of my genration is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." ~William James

"Mind is the great power in all creation." ~J.B. Rhine

"The only thing that will grow is the thing we give energy too." ~Emerson

"Ideas are alive, they grow." ~Tom Willhite

With this new information in mind.... can you come up with 4-6 action statements that would move you closer to your ideal life?

These are mine... I would love to know yours, leave me a note to let me know where you posted them.

Write positive notes to myself.

2) Take time to let the successes sink in without finding the flaws.

3) Spend time really trying to figure out which path I want to head down at this juncture of my life. Write out a plan or ideas for my perfect days....

4) Work on awareness, keep visions of what I want foremost in my mind so that when I sense the opportunities I am ready.

1 comment:

SUSAN said...

YAY! I wanted to learn more about this. I'll be reading. :-)
