Wednesday, June 6, 2007

So Who Was He.....

I like this bio.

And I like this from that bio....

Religion, he argued, was not a philosophy, nor abstract metaphysical thought, nor natural science, nor adherence to dogmatic formulae, but the "sense and taste for the infinite" consisting primarily in feeling; belief and action are secondary.

I agree in someways because I do act and believe often out of 'feelings of the infinite'. However, just as often I act when I don't feel, and then the feelings rush in later.

Knowledge of the soul and knowledge of God are inseparable�a concept that had been presented more than 1000 years earlier by St. Augustine.

Yes, I have always agreed with this statement. It was one of the ideas that made me fall in love with Augustine.

Schleiermacher's careful analysis of religious feelings always has in view, at least by implication, the infinite and eternal reality to which these feelings are responses.

God is real, and it is that reality I am responding to and feelings are the best way to describe it. I think that is what that means, if so, I agree..

...he held that it is always in and through one's experience of the whole interconnecting realm of the finite that there comes a sense of dependence upon the infinite ground of all things.

I like this statement a lot. The interconnecting realm of the finite is grounded upon the infinite. EVERYTHING to me is interwoven and connected, nothing can be teased or separated out for long.

Before taking this quiz, all I knew about Friedrich Schleiermacher was that he was part of the German Reformation. I never knew we had so much in common :) If I had just seen the list of names I would have picked Anselm or Augustine as close to my Theology on the important points.

Thanks Susanne for the quiz!

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