Sunday, July 1, 2007

Is it Sunday again!?!

Time is going by so fast that I really think doing a summary on Sunday is going to be helpful for a while.

Monday, bills and scouting wedding locations. Mom had her second chemo treatment and all seemed well.

Tuesday, combined wedding scouting with modern art gallery gazing. It was interesting to see the modern art, but it was even more interesting to talk to the boys about their impressions.

Wednesday, history reports in the morning, golf driving range in the afternoon, So You Think You Can Dance in the evening! Pretty good day.

Thursday, reports on the physics of golf in the morning, played a D&D styled role playing game in the afternoon (first time in years), SYTYCD in the evening. Off and on through the day I was compling the articles for the Newsletter, which will be late this month or maybe even combined July/August.

Friday, first thing in the morning my sister called to tell me our father was in the hospital with stomach issues. Not good since he had knee replacement surgery on Monday. The thought that putting him under might have caused his bowels to stop working properly. Then Dirk and I drove all over the area (put 100 mi on the car) doing more wedding location scouting. When I got home, We picked up dinner from Panera with some gift certificates that we had had for a couple years :) Nathan was back from camp and wanted to be taken to a friend's house for a couple hours. So, more driving. Since I was out I stopped by the store for fruit and meat to hold us over until I could really go shopping on Sunday, so I thought.

Saturday, I slept the whole day away. I did nothing and didn't feel like doing anything at all! However, the Nathan work so hard all day on the housework, deep cleaning the library and the laundry rooms that when he asked to go to the movies I didn't have the heart to tell him no. He even made dinner after I said yes! He made an amazing baked cod with lemon and dill. I drug butt out of bed and went to see Live Free or Die Hard. It was a great rollercoaster ride of a movie. No literary value, just fun and funny. I did not regret my choice to go! When we got home I checked my blood pressure with Dirk's little wrist machine.... not too good. I am used to my BP being 115 over 65 or very close. It was 145 over 95 the first time and then after resting it only went down to 125 over 85. Maybe this sluggishness that I can't seem to shake has something to so with BP and blood sugars..which are also too high!

Sunday, woke up feeling great, made breakfast for everyone, but by the time I should have been taking my shower I was ready for bed again. I called to check on my dad, he is fine. Mom is doing very well this week!! I just can't seem to 'wake-up'. I was checking up on the blogs I read and feel sad that I don't have the energy to comment. I was checking up on the forum I visit and again, the energy to compose a coherent thought that was on topic wasn't there.

I am off to take a nap and hopefully get the energy I need to do the stuff I HAVE to get done today.


NoVA Dad said...

I agree with you on how fast the week has flown by -- AND with the exhaustion. I've been doing a lot with the job hunt and with the daughters, but not so much that I should be worn down to the extent that I am. A nap sounds really good right about now!

Hope everything continues to get better with your family's health issues; prayers are continuing from my end.

MaryD said...

Sandie I hope you are feeling better soon. You are involved in so many huge life issues, each one could be enough to make you tired, together they probably have a cumulative effect! Glad you are resting a bit for the moment... Hugs and prayers to you!